Saturday 20 April 2013

Implementation of Cash Management Project (CMP) at Bhandara Treasury

All DDO's from Bhandara district are hereby informed that keeping in view the advancement in technology and preciousness of time Government of  Maharahstra  has decided to make direct payment in account of  Vendor and other beneficiary by making use of   CASH MANAGEMENT PRODUCT(CMP) for which  you should

1>Open a Corporate banking account with our Bank as early as possible

2>Fill up DDO'S and Vendor's information in BEAMS system and get it approved through Treasury before April 30,2013.
    Separate Approval counter Shall be  opened at  SUVIDHA KENDRA which will assist you   in  approval .  In case you had the problem which needs immediate clarification  then you may prefer one of the option provided below

e.mail   to.bhandara@zillamahakosh.in

Blog     bhandaratreasury.blogspot.com

online SBI   www.sbionline.co.in

3>Supporting Government of Maharashtra circular are attached herewith for  your ready reference





Requested  to Kindly co-operate with Treasury office.

 Treasury officer,

Thursday 7 March 2013

Facilitation centre at Treasury office for March 2013

All the DDO's falling under the Jurisdictional Area of Bhandara Treasury and Sub-treasury may kindly keep in touch with recent developments at Treasury  level through Blog/E-mail/Phone and
Avoid sending representative to Treasury office Audit section so that We can  concentrate on work and gain the speed and accuracy in bills settlement.

            In case if  you has any doubts about the  bill we provide you the facility to  scrutinise the bill  through facilitation centre on experimental basis  so that average processing time for bill can be reduced drastically and probability of bill  getting returned with objection can be reduced.

Kindly Co-operate and don't hesitate to give me feedback and suggestion.

Treasury officer,